Kumano kodo (Hossinmon oji to Kumano hongu taisha)
Kumano kodo means “old road of Kumano”, and it have been in use for over 1000 years. It is a part of the UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range.
Japan web magazine’s recommend
Kumano kodo(From Hosshinmon oji to Kumano hongu taisya) DATA
- Route:From Hossinmon oji(発心門王子) to Kumano hongu taisha(熊野本宮大社) takes approximately 7km / 2hours on foot.
- Address: Tanabe, Wakayama
- Transport: Take JR Tokaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagoya (about 2 hours) , and change to the JR Nanki limited express(特急南紀) onto the Kii Peninsula. The limited express trains stop at Owase(尾鷲), Kumano-shi(熊野市) and Shingu (新宮) before terminating at Kii-Katsuura(紀伊勝浦)STN.
- Phone: 0735-42-0009
Useful links
Kumano Kodo Maps | Kumano kodo | Information for Kumanokodou Iseji route
Kumano kodo(From Hossinmon oji to Kumano hongu taisha) Map
〒647-1731 和歌山県田辺市本宮町本宮1110 熊野本宮大社
1652, azaKamikubo, Mitsukoshi, Hongucho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama.
Kumano kodo